Information About Presenting At
Metal Clay Live

This virtual event offers a prestigious opportunity to raise your profile within the metal clay community. Have you developed an innovative style or technique? Are you using forward thinking strategies to market and sell your work? Do you value experimentation in your use of materials, tools and skills? Then AMCAW is interested in you!

Please read the following information carefully and download the full details document. The answers to your questions are probably here. Please contact us with any additional questions if you are unable to find the answer below.

Present a Session at Metal Clay Live

  • Metal Clay Live will provide a high-profile opportunity to present on a broad range of topics
  • Topics can include anything of interest to the metal clay community, including innovations in techniques, tools or supplies, design, marketing or other relevant subjects
  • Some ideas to get the creative juices flowing are:
  • Metal clay repairs
  • Tools and Tips
  • Soldering on Metal Clay
  • Patinas
  • Textures
  • Digital photography
  • Ways of adding gold to metal clay
  • Ways of adding color to metal clay
  • Pricing and selling strategies
  • How to write how-to articles
  • Silhouette techniques
  • Firing base metals
  • Marketing strategies
  • The format for presentations is flexible and can include live on-camera demonstrations, images of samples, slide presentations, or speaking directly to the camera.
  • Presentations can be geared to any skill level, from beginners to advanced
  • Presentations will be scheduled across a maximum of four time slots a day, in four virtual rooms, creating thirty-two (32) session time slots on May 1 & 2.
  • Applicants may submit more than one presentation proposal
  • Presenters will need to be comfortable presenting live on video via the Zoom Event platform, though no previous experience is needed.
  • Presenters will be required to provide a handout for their presentation.
  • All applications must be made through AMCAW’s online entry system. Applications will not be accepted via email or regular mail.
  • You do not need to be a member of AMCAW to apply.